From the desk of the Principal

From the desk of the Principal
We welcome you to our institution,
your gateway to the wide and creative
world of higher education. Our college is
the only institution in North Bengal
which offers both B.Ed. and Degree
Established by the University of
North Bengal, the college has been
striving continuously to provide
meaningful and quality education to the
students of this area of West Bengal.
Over the years, the demand for higher
education has increased enormously,
while the supply of ‘quality’ education is
lagging behind. With the opening up of
education sector for private players, a
large number of higher learning
institutions have come up in our country.
Driven by profit motive, they are often
found to ignore the quality aspect of
education. Quality assessment of
academic institutions is therefore of
utmost importance.
It is a pleasure to announce that our
college has been assessed and accredited
by National Assessment and
Accreditation Council of India (NAAC)
twice in 2006 and 2013. NAAC
acknowledged the sincere efforts of the
college in achieving excellence in higher
education. It is also a premier B.Ed.
institution in this area which has been
enjoying recognition from National
Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)
since inception. We endeavour to
accelerate the pace of development in
future in order to fulfil the aspirations of
the new generation in a globalised
Friends, you have enhanced our
responsibility by reposing faith on us. Let
us take this oppotunity to provide you
with a platform leading to the glorious
path of destiny.
Dr A. H. Md. Rafiquzzaman
University B.T. & Evening College.