Governing Body

Members of The Advisory Committee :


A. Prof. Subiresh Bhattacharyya, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, NBU- Chairman

B. Dr. Subhas Ch. Roy, Dean Faculty of Science, NBU

C. Dr.Rathin Bandyopadhyay, Dean, Faculty of Arts, Commerce and Law

D. Dr. Pranab Ghosh, Registrar, NBU

E. Dr. SubrataSanyal, Inspector of Colleges, NBU

F. Dr. S.N. Saha, Finance Officer, NBU

G. Smt. Madhuparna Mitra Guha, TCS, University B.T. & Evening College

H. Mr. Nishit Baral, Bursar, University B.T. & Evening College

I. Mr. SaibalChakraborty- Member(Non-Teaching representative),U.B.T.& Evening College

J. Dr. SubhashChanda, Principal- Convener